Friday night I arrived at one of my single girlfriend's bachelorette apartment at 9:30 pm to find her suited up as a vision of beauty in her bra-less, ponytail/headband-sporting, jammie-jammers. I felt relieved as I showed up in my scrubbiest clothes, without makeup, sporting an absolutely GORGEOUS sty in my right eye. We were an absolutely STUNNING couple of girls. But as we shared stories and laughed so hard about somewhat petty topics I felt my work week fade away. I respect her for her independence. I enjoy her sense of humour. And I am so glad we're getting closer.
I had a great time at party celebrating one of my girlfriends' birthday on Saturday night. I spent the night chatting with some great girls about the realities of parenthood, marriage, being a working mothers, stay at home mothers and stuff like that. We hadn't seen each other in a little while, and it was great just to chill-out and delve right into the day-to-day stuff -- we had so many laughs. I love these women and their company. I always feel we've really connected -- even if our discussion ends up being about potty-training or temper tantrums. These women rock because they can move so seamlessly from these topics to topics of deep-spirituality, and back again. I love it.
Sunday morning as I was waiting for the service to begin, I was sitting, as a relatively new member of this fabulous community of The Meeting House thinking that I was surrounded by a bunch of great women who had welcomed me into and showered me with their friendship. This was an amazing feeling.
Monday I decided to do a little shopping (as I needed some new underwear, if you must know!). I was trying to pass the morning as I waited for a college girlfriend that I hadn't seen in 8 years to arrive for a 2 day visit. She and I had some growing up to do in those years and somehow completely lost touch. Thanks to Facebook, we totally reconnected. We missed the authentic joy we brought to each others' lives. I know that i did. We spent so much time together shopping, eating Thai, drinking coffee, just catching up. But this morning, though we were sleep deprived -- we were sad to part. Old friends can become new again. Thank God for that!
Today, a full seven days later, I had coffee with a brand new girlfriend. We spent a couple hours just opening up and telling our stories. And we found out that we share many things. It was just so beautiful to connect with someone on so many levels. It was a great afternoon -- one of many more I hope!
Tonight I went out for coffee with another great woman in my life. We went to The FRWY, where we just reveled in all the things we're seeing stirred up in this great city that we mutually love and feel called to. We see things revitalizing, moving forward, brightening and coming back to life. And The FRWY is just such a great example of that. She and I have been through very real-life struggles together. We have loved and supported one another through some very rough spots. But tonight we could celebrate each other, celebrate our very real love for the place we live. And a God we love.

Reading back, I realize that a) I went out a LOT this week and b) my life is so AMAZINGLY full of beautiful women. I could not be more blessed!!! I am so overwhelmed right now by that blessing. So thank you beautiful women! You know who you are -- and even those I didn't get to see this week but wish I did. You are precious to me. I celebrate all of you. You speak grace, love and strength into my life. Thanks so much.
oh my goodness, i've been subscribing to your RSS feed of you myspace blog and thought you had stopped blogging! I found this through facebook - i've got a lot of catching up to do...
I had such a wonderful time with you... I love you very much. Thank God for Facebook indeed!
I picked up Blue Like Jazz for $7.00! Awesome!
You write very well.
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