Thursday, November 8, 2007

Those Who Can, Teach.

As some of you may know, I am in the process of applying to Teacher's Colleges. Actually, just two of them. My first choice (really, my only choice) is Brock University. It has many bonuses for me, convenience being the biggest as the Hamilton Satillite Campus is about two blocks away. Laurier is my second choice, as it is the next closest to home -- though it is significantly further than even the St. Catherine's campus of Brock. So I think it was last week that I mailed off my very complex, very time-consuming Brock application. I poured over it for about two months -- writing and rewriting my responses and experience blurbs -- making sure I hadn't forgotten any of the many, many pieces of paperwork needing to be ordered and sent. These applications mean a lot to me. I actually can remember wanting to be a teacher in grade 1. And honestly, I don't think I really ever truly saw myself doing anything else. The truth is, as much as I have enjoyed my children and others for the last 6 years, I have really lacked structure, accountability, intellectual challenge, use of my expensive education...and many other things that I really do need. Being home with my own children has been a pleasure that I will not regret. I will have seen them both well on their way into primary school, spent time with them in various early childhood programs, done many extra curricular activities ... just been there for them. But now, for both their sake and mine, I need to do this. As I sent off my application to Brock, I had a moment of if I don't get in?? So that's the biggest thing. I'm afraid of where I'll be if I don't. But I really do believe I have a good chance. So I must go and get to work on the lame (or not so lame) 500 word essay that Laurier requires on the topic stated above. I'm not good with ambiguity. So if you have any ideas, please spare me the torture by sending them my way!

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