Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I've been complaining a lot lately because lots of stupid little things have happened to me lately. But yesterday I got to do something so fun and amazing that it made all those inconveniences seem petty.

I have a new friend who is very far along in her pregnancy and had no one to be with her for the birth of her baby. Another friend Heidi and I now have the privilege of being there when the baby is born. So we've been helping her get ready, planning a shower for her, and helping her get to and from her appointments. Yesterday, at 36 weeks along in her pregnancy she had another ultrasound because she hadn't had a lot of medical care earlier on in the pregnancy and they had some additional checks on the baby to do. She'd been dying to know the sex of the baby. They weren't able to tell her whether the baby was a girl or boy at her 20 week ultrasound -- but yesterday, with all three of us (plus Heidi's 6 month old) in the room, they told us the baby is going to be a girl! It is fun to make this "it" into a "she" :) We got to see her little feet, hands, fully developed heart, liver, bladder and best of all -- we got a glimpse of what she will look like. Neither Heidi or I had ultrasounds that far along in our pregnancy so we didn't get to see those details before our kids were born. This little girl has pouty lips! I can't wait to kiss them. It just makes me all the more excited to meet her in six weeks or less!!!

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