Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Good News/Bad News

The bad news first right? Okay -- when the lice issue began in the house, my stress level went WAY up. I fell off the dieting wagon. I'll be starting fresh starting tomorrow. I hope that by next Wednesday I'll at least be back to the same 11.2 lbs loss.

Good news? Some of my very best best friends welcomed their second child into the world with quite the bang this morning at 5:20 am! It was an unplanned home-birth attended by two giant paramedics (6'6" and 6'7") while Lee-Anne spoke to her (in-transit) midwife on the phone. Elijah Bradley Dryfhout, , 7 lbs 10 oz, and his parents and proud big sis Zoe, are all happy and healthy. We're so thrilled that he's here!! I saw him tonight and he's, of course, just adorable.

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