Today, I went to Wonderland with Aurora for the first time. She had a blast. We did Hanna Barbara Land, Kidsville, Clockwerks...we went on everything we could get her on. She did amazing. She even rode a little coaster! It was great watching her experience it for the first time and remembering all my favorite places,! Through her eyes... made me remember the magic.
But let's be honest. I am no longer AWESOME. I went on Jimmy Neutron's Brain Washer first thing with Aurora -- and got motion sickness. MOTION SICKNESS!!!! In Kidsville there was a mini-swings ride and I witnessed a child puking. I had to stand over the garbage can for a while...wasn't sure I was gonna make it. I went on Top Gun (my favorite) and though it still holds first place in my heart, I got a massive headache. The last time I went to Wonderland, I ate and ate and ate...and ended up in emergency with a severe gallbladder attack -- resulting in surgery. This year, I'm on Weight Watchers -- so a turkey sub, three $3.50 bottles of Disani and just a few bites of funnel cake for me. It was just not what I remembered.
However, spending the day with Aurora was great. It was awesome to see her happy, careless and having fun. So I'd go back again next year...just not on the Brain Washer.
1 comment: true. I was there with Mateja a few months ago and I thought I was going to shoot semi-digested corn-dog out of my nose after one spinning ride. Thankfully, I can't fit on most of the kids rides, so Jude went on with her.
All I remember from Canada's Wonderland is sitting on the hill trying to pick up chicks...ahh...the good ol' days.
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