If you've known us a while, you'll know how much of a challenge raising Aurora has been up until now. She's always been incredibly adorable, spirited, creative, hilarious, uninhibited, intense, lovable, dramatic, and full of beans. But really, without going into all the details, she's definitely made us sweat and kept us on our toes.
Lately, though, Aurora has really come into her own. I am not sure if I can pinpoint the change. But there IS a change. I've been thinking about whether or not it has something to do with her teacher this past year (whom I have deep respect and love for), or whether it's just that she's growing up. I don't know.
All of the good things I said about her above still stand. She's still got ants in her pants, she's still dramatic (though much less often in a negative way), she's still creative and hilarious. She's definitely got spirit. Most of all, she is still lovable. But all Chris and I can say about her lately is how incredibly sweet, introspective, calm, respectful, agreeable and just plain lovely she is right now. She's still constantly making us laugh. The thing is, she is just making us cry (in frustration and defeat) far, far, far less. We're enjoying her more and more; worrying less and less. It's a breath of fresh air. It's joyous. It's beautiful.
Most of all, we are enjoying seeing Aurora enjoy her childhood. She is enjoying her summer. She is owning the neighbourhood on her bike. She's discovering a love of reading. Like all girls her age, she's into Webkinz. She's running off to the park with Supie, without casting a look back, almost every day. It's just such a pleasure to watch Rory -- carefree!
This week Aurora has rediscovered her love for her American Girl dolls after seeing her favorite doll in live-action on the big screen -- Kit Kittredge -- An American Girl. It was so fun to take her (and her doll Kit) to the movies to see this story she's enjoyed, come to life. She was just a doll herself! I just love spending time with her. I always did...but now...it is just that much sweeter.
Here she is, tonight, with her "Just Like Me" American girl...dressed in matching jammies:
Tonight Chris and I came upon our children sharing a toilet for their pre-bedtime pee. They can't share toys. But a piss-pot, they can share. No cute picture for this post.
After church today, we did a little shopping. Usually Asher takes a pretty good nap in the afternoons. But sometimes on the weekend, we let it go. The results usually aren't that good. Needless to say, he wasn't exactly behaving himself in the store. He was screaming at us, tantrumming, demanding and just generally acting horrible. Even Rory was begging for a break from his voice!
Chris decided that the consequences for Asher's behaviour should be that he sit in the shopping cart instead of being free to walk around. Obviously, Asher didn't take to the idea. Rory worked on him while we were shopping -- trying to reason with Asher about his behaviour, what it means to be sorry. Chris and I were secretly enjoying listening to Aurora so kindly teach him about being sorry since when put in the same situation she is uber-dramatic and mopey. But she was doing a great job with him so we let her keep talking.
Eventually she got him to apologize, and quite honestly, it was very sincere. However, as soon as he says sorry, he asks if he can get out of the cart and walk. Chris told him that he is glad that he is sorry, but that the consequences still stand. As soon as it was out of his mouth, Aurora gasped! Then she said... "Daddy! That's not compassionate. You're not giving him a second chance!! MERCY!!!" What Chris didn't know is that Aurora has been watching a lot of a particular Veggie Tales movie called JONAH -- in which Jonah the Prophet is given a second chance by God after being reallydisobedient.
Needless to say, Asher got out and walked. It was a beautiful moment in brother and sister relationships. Especially because Aurora looked unbelievably proud for vindicating her brother.
As you probably read in my last post, I'm studying voice at HCA. When I was studying voice as a kid, I worked on very few operatic arias as my voice was not fully developed. Now that I'm all grown up, I'm studying opera. It has made me realize that I really love opera. I love the dramatic side to this genre of music. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea...but it's lots of fun. I'm using muscles I forgot I had; it feels so good to be working so hard. It has also gotten me reading history...history of art, history of music, history of literature. Wakey wakey brain!
Tonight I watched a special on Bravo about Jessye Norman, an American dramatic soprano. She's the quintessential diva. Her voice and stage presence are quite amazing. So majestic!
Things most definitely change! These last months have been full and exciting. Many new things going on in our family.
In April, my beautiful sister FORCED us all to Cuba to see her get married in paradise...
My sister Leanne, and her new hubby Trevor.
Making out on the Catamaran.
This beach had the whitest sand I have ever seen.
A Veradero market.
My hubby thinks he's a local.
Canadian ICE CREAM!!!
My mom.
My brother Blair and his girlfriend Andrea.
My dad and sister.
It was an amazing holiday spent with family.
I was also accepted to Brock University's Pre-service Teacher Education program for this fall! I am SO excited!!!! You have no idea! When I was little, all I ever wanted was to be a teacher...that might have something to do with my birth order ranking...I do love to boss people around. But really, kidding aside -- the joy of watching a child learn has always been a passion for me -- and I can't wait to take that to the next level. It is so exciting!
Also in April, Rory got her first pair of glasses. Chris has been dreading the day since we got married...since all of the Gunby's are blind as bats! However, Rory is far-sighted -- a trait we Gunby's don't hold! Apparently Chris' cousin's kids have the same issues (over-focusing) as Rory...so....who's really to blame here?? Tee hee...who cares! She looks adorable! And she chose the frames all by herself!
Asher has had two beautiful years at Hansel and Gretel Pre-School. But next year he goes to Junior Kindergarten (or BIG school as he affectionately calls it!). He looks forward to his new adventure...but as he graduated from Hansel and Gretel he realized that growing up and moving on means no more beloved pre-school -- and more specifically, no more beloved teacher -- Miss Paula...he will really miss her!
Chris is busy busy busy writing his dissertation. He completed two huge chapters in a very short period of time...but was asked to re-structure them by his mentors. SO -- back to the drawing board...but he's making good progress.
In May, I was asked by Rory's voice teacher to consider taking part in the Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts' Opera Workshop Program. So, returning to my classical music roots, I am back to studying voice with an amazing teacher -- and will be seen as the Countess in Mozart's Marriage of Figaro sometime next spring! It's going to be a busy year...but it feels great to be doing some things I'm really passionate about!
One last thing: I did complete my fast...and lost a whopping 5 pounds! However, I promptly gained all of it back...plus a few. I have made a decision to get back on track...I know you might not believe me...but I have new and exciting plans for how to change my lifestyle and get myself healthy and in shape. More on that later. It's all part of the changes I'm making in my life!