For the third year in a row, we have camped at Killbear Provincial Park. Up to and including this year, we've camped with a group of amazing friends...The Raakmans, The Dryfhouts (Senior and Junior), The Davis', The Wildschuts (Senior and Junior). With all of these families -- it ends up being about 27 people all together. We camp on separate sites but in a well thought-out cluster. This year, most of the kids were on their bikes the whole time -- and since we were all clustered together, they could ride around the sites basically supervised. It was so great to see Aurora on her bike -- as she just learned to ride without trainers...we got her to do it by threatening that she might be the only one at camp not riding...we're bad parents...but it worked!!!! She was off exploring with the group. How amazing to see the kids exploring the outdoors at top speed, all together.
Rory lost her first top tooth at camp!
Here she is in her cool bike helmet...

We had a few hail storms...a flood in our tenting area (sorry...I didn't think to pull out the camera as my poor husband dug a 3 foot cube trench to capture SOME of the water before it went in our tent)...but we had so many many more great memories.
These are some of our favorite things about no particular order:
1) The Beach
The beaches at Killbear are amazing. The sand is clean and soft, the water is crystal clear, and the kids (and the parents) can walk out REALLY far before the water is over their heads. They mark of a shallow area with ropes for the kids also. We spent four solid days sun-worshipping, and swiming.
Rory and Asher playing in the sand...

My Asher...

Chris and Asher playing in the water...

My hubby sunbathing...

Rory sunbathing...

2) The Trails
Killbear has 3 family friendly hiking trails. Even the longest one (90 minutes at a good pace) is not too hard for our kids. We managed to get the kids on all three of them. We love to do this as a family.
Working the Lookout Trail...

A cool log...

Lighthouse Trail...

Come cool roots...

Asher on Lookout trail counting the post markings...

Picking wild bluberries was a favorite activity during hiking...

Lighthouse Trail had the mother-load!

We have to have a yearly rock picture...

3) The Friends
These friends that we camp with are very special to us. So all the time we get with them is cherished. Our kids played so well this year...and I didn't capture everything I should've. We did a lot of crafts at our site with all the girls...but it never occured to me to take out my camera. Silly! Because what was so fun about the crafts is that they would make something beautiful and give it to one of the other kids. It was lots of fun to watch them love each other in this way. Both of our kids talk frequently about how they miss the other kids...since they all live an hour to 3.5 hours away. I miss them and adults.
Wildschut (Junior) kids portrait...

All the kids gathered at one of the sights...

Rory and Sam blowing bubbles...


Asher and Jakob...buddies...

Mel and Dave...

Uncle Ken...


Aunt Lee-Anne...



The kids playing in the water together...

Dryfhouts...(senior)...Connie and Tony...

Water buddies...Rachel and Julia...



Cousins playing...

Me and Julia...

Raakman kids being so fly...Rachel, Brianna and Zion...

Tristan is getting so handsome...

Rory with two of her favorite girls...

4) The Campfires
The campfire is a time for all the families camping to come together (especially after the kids have gone to bed) and relax and share stories. We always have a PILE of laughs around the campfire, often getting noise violations after 11pm.

5) The Sunsets
This is the first time that we have gone out to Granite Saddle Campground (we stay at Beaver Dams) to see the sun set. Breathtaking...if you can keep the kids from the edge of the cliff long enough to relish it.

Waiting on the rocks for the sunset...

6) The Family Memories
We have already made some spectacular memories together at Killbear. But what I really love to watch is how my kids spend time together that they normally don't get because of the daycare in my home. They rarely fight when we're camping...and they seem to enjoy their time playing together. Spending time, in a peaceful, beautiful place, enjoying my family's company is my greatest pleasure. Can't wait to go back and make a million more.
These two laughing it...

Love this pic...

Asher and fearless!